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Leadership Team

Nightingale Hammerson is a dedicated team of care professionals, led by our trustees and senior leadership team.

We also have a wonderful network of volunteers who generously donate their time and skills in so many different ways.

To the Residents, their families and friends, it is our staff teams who provide the exceptional care and companionship that makes Nightingale Hammerson who we are. The trustees and senior management team continue to extend their enormous gratitude for their professional care, dedication and commitment that is always offered by each team member.

Our Trustees

Paul Althasen
Harvey Rosenblatt MBE
Honorary President
Melvin Lawson
Patricia Beecham
Vice President
Susan Grant
Vice President
Carolyn Balcombe
Keith Barnett
Ian Grabiner
Gill Livingston
Russell Nathan
Steven Sharpe
Ros Taylor MBE

Senior Leadership Team

Jenny Pattinson
Chief Executive Find out more
Chelsea Bassom
Director of Finance Find out more
Chipema Chitambala
Director of Care Services Find out more
Roy Chow
Head of HR Find out more
Ed Davidson
Director of Operations Find out more
Nuno Santos Lopes
Director of Research, Innovation and Community Engagement Find out more
Aaron Edwards
Registered Manager, Hammerson House, Wohl Campus
Clemence Muchingaguyo
Registered Manager, Nightingale House find out more

Support our work

Nightingale Hammerson is an independent charity which relies on the support of people like you to offer the best possible care to older Jewish people. Donate now