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The gift of care

for future generations

Legacies are integral to our ability to deliver our outstanding care and help families in the years to come.

Why is it important to include a charitable gift in your Will?

Leaving a gift to a charity is a meaningful way to recognise causes that have been important to you during your lifetime. Additionally, leaving a legacy is an effective way to reduce the overall inheritance tax liability on your estate. If you leave 10% or more of your estate to charity on death, the rate of inheritance tax on the part of your estate that is chargeable will be reduced from 40% to 36%.

If you have already decided to remember us in your will, we would love the opportunity to thank you for thinking of us, so please get in touch.

What if I do not have much to leave?

All donations, regardless of size, are gratefully received. It might be useful to note that one of the benefits of a Will is that you can leave a percentage of your estate rather than a fixed amount. The gift might increase in value over time.

How to leave a gift in your will

Residuary Gift
The remainder of your estate after all your other wishes have been carried out and all expenses relating to your estate have been met.

Pecuniary Gift
A fixed sum of money decided when your Will is written. The value of pecuniary legacies may decrease over time because of inflation.

Specific Gift
A particular named item of value, which could include stocks and shares, property, jewellery or antiques.

Reversionary Gift
Where you give a friend or family member a life interest in your estate. After their death, the remainder of your estate carries over to Nightingale Hammerson or other beneficiary.

What are my next steps?

Contact your solicitor to draft a Will or add a codicil to your existing one. Nightingale Hammerson does not endorse any legal advisors.

To find out how your legacy can make a huge difference, please contact David in our fundraising department on 07749 417554 or



My mum, Maisie Barnett, spent 16 happy months at Nightingale House, receiving only the very best care and attention. For all the kindness, patience, skill, friendliness and professionalism of the whole team, on Ronson Household, Nightingale House will have my eternal thanks, respect and gratitude for all they did for my mum. I knew she was receiving the best possible care, so that many of the worries of having an elderly frail parent were lifted from my shoulders.

D. Barnett, Relative

Nightingale Hammerson is a great charity to leave a legacy gift or to make a donation. You know your money will go direct to supporting their Residents and tremendous staff. They are full of heart and warmth.

S. Malin, Relative

Volunteer with us

If you would like to volunteer at Nightingale House or Hammerson House, we would love to hear from you. There are many different ways your support can help. Find out more


Your gift will enable us to support our Residents through innovative approaches to personalised care and to provide an outstanding service, particularly at this challenging time. Find out more

Become a patron

Your patronage will make a big impact on each Resident and the lives of their families. Our patrons receive bespoke communications, invitations to special events and tailored visits to see activities in Nightingale House and Hammerson House, Wohl Campus. Find out more