Mealtime Diary

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Use this Mealtime Diary to track concerning signs during meals. This can help identify potential triggers and foods to avoid. It's also useful to note what went well or was enjoyed, allowing for successful meals to be repeated. You don't need to fill it out after every meal, but it can be helpful if you notice changes in eating or drinking. For support in completing your Mealtime Diary, refer to our resource on Identifying Eating, Drinking, and Swallowing Difficulties.

The example diary entries provide valuable insights that can help improve meal experiences.

Here is how you can interpret the notes:

1. Meat Texture: The meat was chewy and difficult to manage. Next time, Shirley’s carer can try preparing the meat softer, cutting it into smaller bits or using gravy to make it easier to chew.
2. Potatoes: Shirley enjoyed mashed texture of the potatoes, indicating a preference for softer foods.
3. Watery Eyes: Shirley’s watery eyes after drinking lemonade suggest it may have gone down the wrong way. Encourage smaller sips and consider alternative cups to better control the drink.
4. Indigestion: Indigestion after the meal may indicate that Shirley needs to eat and drink more slowly, or potential acid reflux may result.

If swallowing concerns persist despite trying these changes, contact a GP for further support from a Speech and Language Therapist.

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