Adaptive cups and beakers

Eating independently

Eating Independently Adaptive Cups and Beakers
Reach eating and drinking corner icon
As we age, diseases like dementia, Parkinson’s, arthritis, and others can lead to a decline in mobility and dexterity. This often reduces independence, which can further accelerate the deterioration of motor skills, cognitive abilities, and impact an individual’s sense of self. In this video, we demonstrate adapted cups and beakers designed to assist those with eating difficulties, helping them maintain their independence for as long as possible.

Please, see video and links for more details on how to use the various products and the options available.

Double-handed cup: good alternative if you find standard mugs too heavy. You can hold it with both hands. Be mindful of the print you choose, especially if you are caring for someone who cannot differentiate patterns.
Purchase double-handed cup

Thermal cup: ideal for people who take longer to drink. It has a lighter weight. Narrow base helps the drink navigate towards the mouth in an easy way.
Purchase thermal cup

Beaker: spouts can come in different size openings while More handles allow a better grip. Be mindful that it is more difficult to differentiate a hot drink in this type of cup, so try the drink without the spout.
Purchase beaker

Nosy Cup: easier for tipping your drink without having to lean your head backwards too much. Lightweight. Plastic. These can come double handled or without handles.
Purchase nosy cup

Angled cup: ideally used by someone who is caring for a person who has difficulties drinking. Its angle offers a more controlled perspective when providing the drink.
Purchase angled cup


Remember, the number one goal is maintaining independence for as long as possible.

Please note Reach and Nightingale Hammerson are not affiliated with the companies shown above and we do not take responsibility for any product malfunctioning or any issue occurring while using it.

Our subject matter experts

Vanessa Marques

Vanessa graduated from London South Bank University in 2022 with a Postgraduate Degree in Occupational Therapy. She brings a wealth of experience having worked with both children and adults in the NHS and various charity organisations, which include settings specialised in learning disabilities and palliative care. Vanessa has worked within the Therapy Team at Nightingale Hammerson since 2022, supporting residents through personalised therapeutic interventions to enhance independence, well-being and improve quality of life. Vanessa enjoys enabling residents to engage and participate in their meaningful activities and tasks, as well as supporting the learning and development of team members within the organisation.

Chloe Green

Chloe completed a BSc in Speech and Language Therapy from City University of London. She started her career in the NHS in the adult acute setting and has worked across a range of medical specialities, including frailty, respiratory medicine, oncology and neurological rehabilitation. Chloe subsequently specialised in voice and upper airway disorders. In her current NHS clinical practice alongside her work at Nightingale Hammerson, she is based in the paediatric acute service within Bart’s Health Trust, as well as running a paediatric Voice and Upper Airway service. At Nightingale Hammerson, Chloe works within the multidisciplinary therapy team, supporting Residents with Dysphagia (swallowing problems) and communication difficulties. She enjoys maximising Resident’s quality of life and supporting members of the care team with learning and development. 

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