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Stay Hydrated, Stay Healthy Webinar

27 Feb 2025

27th February 2025

At Reach by Nightingale Hammerson, we are dedicated to sharing our expert knowledge with the wider community. As part of this mission, the Reach team hosted our first webinar, Stay Hydrated, Stay Healthy, on Thursday, 27th February with special guest speaker, Caryn Straker, Nightingale Hammerson’s Dietitian.

We were delighted by an incredible turnout with an audience full of healthcare professionals and carers. The webinar discussed the importance of hydration in older adults and ways to support daily fluid intake when caring for someone. After an engaging presentation from Caryn, we finished the webinar with a lively Q&A.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and we look forward to hosting our next webinar.

If you couldn’t make it or would like to watch it again , please see the webinar recording below.