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Resident Review: The care here is wonderful

6 Mar 2023

“One night I had a fall and broke my hip. I was sent to the Royal Free as I had to have a hip replacement. But in October ’22, I moved to Hammerson House. It was new and beautiful and I’ve been here ever since. The physios came regularly to see me. At first they came to see me in my room and now they come and collect me and we go to the Therapy Suite. My daughter thought I’d never walk again, but walk I did, and it was purely down to the physios. They got me on the bike and the parallel bars and I felt really safe. The Team were wonderful, they supported and encouraged me and I know I can now walk thanks to them; I can even walk without a frame!

The care here is wonderful. People are very patient and understanding. They don’t push you beyond what you are capable of doing. I am very happy living here. I have a beautiful flat nearby but I don’t miss it at all. It’s easy living and it takes all the stress away. At the beginning I kept saying, ‘This isn’t my home. I have my own flat.’ But when I went back to get some things, I was amazed, as I realised it was just a place. This is my new Home now.

If you need to go into a Care Home, you’ll be very happy here. The care is good and the carers are kind, patient and willing to help. You really do get value for money here.” – Resident, Hammerson House